Leadership Conference

by RoyallyPink, 6:30 AM

Okay, so I am now back on New York soil and I've never had more of a bittersweet feeling.

I spent the weekend in Washington DC with my incredible executive board and the lovely sisters of Phi Sigma Sigma.

I can honestly say that I am a changed person because of this weekend. I have never and will never experience anything like this ever again.

Being in the same room with sisters you never knew you had but share the same values, beliefs, and passions as you do is one of the best feelings ever.

I didn't know it was possible to love Phi Sigma Sigma more than I do right at this very moment.

The weekend was filled with learning, experiencing, listening to motivating speakers, and meeting new sisters.

I was kept busy the whole weekend and was wiped out when it was time to go to sleep but it was so exhilarating.

I learned a tremendous amount about my sorority and what it really means to be part of this sisterhood.

I know a lot of people are probably getting sick of hearing and seeing me talk about my sorority but this is who I am, I can't change that and especially after the weekend I had, my love for Phi Sig is here to stay.

I realized that I never want to leave my sorority; I saw all the amazing volunteers and executive council who haven't been a collegian in years and they were still just as passionate and into it as the collegians were.

I know that being a volunteer, an advisor, or just generally working for Phi Sigma Sigma when I get older is something that I need to do. 

If you follow me on twitter, you saw that I tweeted an awful lot about Leadership Conference. I might've clogged up some twitter feeds but my national president, the Grand Archon, along with our Phi Sig national twitter and a bunch of sisters favorited and retweeted me so I was on cloud nine!

For the entire weekend, I felt like a kid experiencing Disneyland for the first time. I was in my glory! It was especially special because on November 26th, we will be celebrating our 100th year anniversary so the conference was filled with lovely celebrations and talks about centennial. 

This was an incredible weekend that I was upset to leave but I was pretty happy to get back to normal. I'm now stressing out that I have so much to do in such a short amount of time after being away for a few days so it's crunch time!

I'm also coming down with something, I'm pretty sure its bronchitis so it's going to be a rough week! 

Happy Monday, everyone! Stay warm and healthy :)

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