I feel that sparkly nails are very "in" right now and I have jumped on the band wagon. Actually, I've been on the band wagon for a while now. I love a good sparkly polish but the fact that it's so difficult to take off really turns me off.

I can't resist sometimes, especially when it's New Years Eve...the sparkliest holiday of them all!

Last week, for NYE, I tried something a little different. I just painted the tips of my nails in a sparkle topcoat instead of the entire nail. It wasn't complicated at all and I liked the look a lot better.

I used my trusty Sally Hansen "Strobe-light" sparkle topcoat paired with my brand new bottle of Essie "Bahama Mama."

My local Rite Aid has had more Essie in stock and I'm super stoked about it. "Bahama Mama" looked like a deep purple in the bottle but when I applied two coats of it, it had a more burgundy color. I liked it but I wish I would've known before because I would've bought a different color. 

This was definitely one of my favorite nail choices, I loved how the sparkles didn't cover the entire nail, it made it look better in my eyes.

What's your manicure Monday?

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