The Monday after a really great weekend is always the toughest. This was one of the better weekends during the summer as I had a lot of plans and really enjoyed them.

I can't believe it's already August and that the summer has flown by. This is around the time when I'd be getting my stuff ready for school, organizing plans with my roommates and sorority sisters and counting down the days till I return to New Rochelle.

That day is never coming and my goodness it's really difficult. Talking to all my younger friends from school and hearing how excited they are is depressing as hell. It's scary and it's going to be a long, rough month.

In the meanwhile, I went to a Mets game at Citi Field with some friends on Friday and it was awesome. We were at field level right behind the Mets dugout. I'm not a Mets fan (#Yankees) but it was still so cool. Also, Citi Field is a lot nicer than Yankee Stadium so being there in itself is an experience.


Another thing I was loving this weekend was the Ice Bucket Challenge for ALS. This was floating around my Facebook for a few days before it blew up! Pat Quinn is an Iona (#gogaels) alum who was diagnosed with ALS (Lou Gehrig's disease) in 2013. He challenged his friends to dump a bucket of ice water over their head or donate $100 to the Quinn for the Win Foundation. 

Because us Gaels stick together, almost all my friends and other Iona people have participated in the challenge and it's amazing to see how fast it has spread. 

Here's my video:

I nominated my friends to do it but now I'm nominating all of you! Take the Ice Bucket challenge or donate a little something to the Quinn4theWin Foundation! Send me your videos by email ( or leave them in the comments!

Other than these two, I hung out at home and with some friends this weekend but now it's Monday and back to work.

Did you do anything fun this weekend? 

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